Monday, 12 December 2016

Onwards to Pucon Dec 3

We break camp early, on the road by 8am. This will put us into Pucon around mid day, and give us time to set up in another campground and enjoy the lake. The way we omit odors, time for a swim, freshen up is the key here. As we all blast down the road we loose Tim, maybe he just pulled over to adjust his gear. Our rule is pull over and wait. The rest of the group continued, Cash and myself waited for about 20 min. Still no Tim, so Cash road his bike over a pedestrian walkway to go the other direction to see if he could locate our friend. I stayed put, that is the rule, do not leave the road. Soon I saw Andy , John, and Ed heading the other direction. The search is on. Still waiting for about an hour by now, Cash returned. The news, Tim has a flat, picked up a big nail. We all agreed to meet at the next fuel stop. Andy and Ed were going with Tim to get his tire fixed. Apparently they loaded his bike on a truck to go to a repair facility, Unfortunately for Tim he left his helmet in the truck that drove off, oops!  The rest of us rondivoud. The truck driver returned his helmet to him about 20 minutes later. Big relief, two hours later and a 100 extra kms or so, they met up with us, all is well. Onwards we go to Pucon. This turn of events put us into Pucon quite late, no time to swim with my stinky Amigos. Let's set up camp, go to town and get some food, and rest, tomorrow we cross into Argentina at the Paso Manuil Malal Border crossing.
Al Nino

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