Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Feb 27/28, 2017

What a treat, sleep in till 8:30 am, been overdue. Still have things to take care of today, must do things, no excuses. First on the agenda, rondivou with Scott, using "Uber", which was most impressive. After coffee and breakfast, we went our seperate ways. Ed and Scott have the pleasure of getting the "Podor", lucky guys. Jon and myself are off to pick up oil for the bikes, new chains, and insurance, change out the oil, chains, and get the "motos" road worthy. Oil and insurance accomplished, we missed the boat, with the chains. Our insurance visit took longer than expected, and the shop was closed. "Putting my "VIN" on Jons paperwork, it all had to be redone. Accuracy is key here, always check your documents. Left unoticed, we would probably have a major issue trying to leave the country. All must be correct when importing and exporting our "motos", T's crossed I's dotted. Chains will have to wait, I am leaving "Mexico City" at 5:30 am , and heading to "Puerto Vallarta. I will meet with Doug, a friend from "Nanaimo" who spends a portion of the winters there. Unfortunately his wife Helen has already returned home, somebody has to take care of the homefront, we will toast one for her just the same. Riding all day and into the evening, I made it to the town of "Compostela" tucked away in the mountains,120 kilometers from "PV". After 835 kilometers, time to get off the road. Checked into the "Plaza Hotel " and lights out. "P.V" will be "Menyana" Al Nino

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