Monday, 12 December 2016

Salto De Laja Dec2

The group was at it early today, we all met downstairs for our breakfast which is included with your stay. We quickly load our gear and off we go. Today's ride is shorter, which will give us time to find a campground and do some exploring. Meandering through the  country roads,  it is a very relaxing, scenery is bountiful with wild flowers and lush fields of green grass. The temperature just right, what a great day to ride. We pull into Salto de Laja and have a to make a decision where to stay. Cash volunteers to go check out a second  campground. Minutes later he is back and seems most excited, so off we go. Pretty sweet little place down a hill off the main road. We all get our own sites, for 3,000 Chilean Pesos around $6.00 cdn. comes with running water and power also has a pool and a beautiful river. Wow this is camping. Everyone sets up and goes to check out the falls, which are spectacular and you can see them from the road as well, but the hike in is a must. I stay behind as someone has to watch over all the gear. I will go in the morning, and take some footage. While the group is gone, I eat and continue to blog. Peaceful and alone as there are no other campers I take in the moments of tranquility. After a couple of hours, the pack comes back,  and we settle in for the night. A few other campers showed up late, and on went the Latin music till 3 am. That is what they do, you have to roll with it. Viva la Chile. Tomorrow we head to Pucon.
Al Nino

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