Thursday, 1 December 2016

The First day


Up at 3:30 am Load van and off we go to the airport. Arrived at the Airport at 4:30 am, Andy his wife Carolyn, Tim and his wife Annette were already there. Even my sister Laurie showed up to say farewell  We all chatted for a bit then said our goodbyes. Gave my wife Jan a big hug and told her not to worry. Easy for me to say I guess, not so easy for the girls as we are the ones leaving for 3 plus months. Flight to Vancouvet was good,a little rough, pretty Stormy. We grabbed a coffee, at the Airport then headed to our connection to Cowtown. Pretty bumpy ride and a bit of a delay because of winds, but who cares when time is on our side. New Terminal in Calgary was a delightful experience.  The check in Kiosks and Customs were a real treat. Very impressed . Quick and efficient. We breezed right through. We had a bit of time to waste so Tim and I had a few cold ones and Andy had a pop as he was the designated driver. That is what he said to our server and was not charged for it. Too cool The young lady was very interested in our journey, hell even the security check guy was so interested that I wonder if he was even focused on our gear. Handed out a bunch of cards to Security staff and the Bar staff. We may see them on a Vancouver Island Tour someday.  Next stop Houston
Entry by Al

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