Saturday, 24 December 2016

The bottom of mainland South America

Dec. 14/16
Today our goal will be to make to Punta Arenas, furthest city south on the South American mainland. Ushuaia is still further but is actually on an Island and one must take a ferry to get there, then travel by road. Today's ride through the National Park is spectacular, full of twisty corners, hills, and beautiful scenery. After many stops to take photos, we are through. Now the fun begins, wind, wind, and more wind. The road to Punta Arenas can be a challenge. Headwinds slow our pace, side winds continuously push the bikes from left to right it is indeed a workout, exhausting. On a couple of occasions when parked, the gusts blew a bike over. We need to make it to Punta Arenas today, our bikes will be serviced there as part of the warranty. Arriving around 4 pm. We checked into the Hotel Diego de Alfaro, nice place, pricy, but most others were full. Unload the gear, and off to the Honda shop. We need all the bikes serviced if we want to catch the ferry in the morning. We were told that is was not possible, but with some persuasive tactics a deal was made. Unfortunately they were not ready in time for us to commit to the ferry. This would put us behind another day. We were already two days behind already with mishaps, border delays etc. With that in mind the group decided unanimously to eliminate Ushia. On the bright side we made it to Punta Arenas. The next day we decided to cross back into Argentina at the Rio Gallegos Border crossing, and continue north.
Al Nino

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